Honors Classes

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Being an eligible candidate for Honors classes in Hillsborough High School is an arduous task. There are many qualities an adolescent, such as myself, need to possess to be successful in Honors classes. For instance, being social or public speaking, intelligence to keep up with the class, focus, memorization, athleticism, etc. All of these attributes definitely make an 8th grader ready for honors classes. I believe I possess the qualities to be an ideal candidate for Honors placement. The first attribute I possess that makes me an ideal candidate for honors placement is my ability of being social and a public speaker. According to http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/article/public-speaking-skill, it says, “Working on public speaking also helps to develop students’ overall fluency and requires them to consider how they speak as well as what they say. This is useful for speaking in any situation, public or otherwise.” Public speaking is an important attribute for Honors, because having the ability of public speaking helps you persuade people of your ideas. My ability of public speaking comes from my involvement is SLC or Student Leadership Corps. I demonstrated my public speaking by going to…show more content…
I 100% believe I have the drive and the intuition to possess a spot for me in Honors classes. I know that with Honors classes there is extra work and higher expectations, but I strongly agree I am up for the task. I show my hard working abilities, because I fight for good grades, and as of my eighth grade year now I have straight A’s. As Vince Lombardi once said, “The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand.” To conclude, My determination, hard working abilities, and dedication for the acceptance definitely prove my I belong in the spot for Honors
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