Esp In English Language

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Language has provided human beings with the ability of communicating their thoughts, ideas, emotions to others, and their anticipation towards every episode of their life. Every community has its own language for communicating, but not all the languages have the same position when it comes to speakers’ number (e.g. English language). As far as the objectives of learning English language is concerned, English community has created open fields of success according to individuals’ interest by presenting English as a key for improving their theoretical, practical level, and their performance in specific situations. The need of better communication between people in specialized or non- specialized fields or matters insures the use of both ESP and…show more content…
In fact, it is maintained as solid evidence in demonstrating the vital role of this discipline. Therefore, the expansion of English language and the demand for ESP approach has been increasing since ESP training courses were applied and presented to teaching English language world; Johns & Dudley-Evans (2001, 115) state that, “the demand for English for specific purposes…continues to increase and expand throughout the world.” Besides, ESP approach has posed great shifts on teaching/learning English language processes. This first chapter of the dissertationpresents a theoretical overview of‘English for Specific Purposes’ (ESP).Therefore, this chapter will introduce us to the ESP field. In this chapter, the attention is given to defining ESP, its origins, its development, itstypical features, and its types. As well as, a general distinction between GE (General English) and ESP, and the significant roles of the ESP practitioner are…show more content…
Strevens’s statement that ESP courses are strongly related to particular subject content with special reference to the essential needs of learners.Lorenzo (2005, 1) adds that ESP “concentrates more on language in context than on teaching grammar and language structures.” Dudley-Evans, T. & St. John, M.J. (1998) suggest modified definition that is virtually agree with strevens’s description. Their views offer two forms of ESP, absolute characteristics and variable characteristics. According to them the absolute characteristics are: • ESP is defined to meet specific needs of the learners. • ESP makes use of the underlying methodology and activities of the disciplines it serves; • ESP is centred on the language (grammar, lexis, and register), skills, discourse, and genres appropriate for these activities. They apply as variable characteristics the following: • ESP may be related or designed for specific disciplines; • ESP may use, in specific teaching situations, a different methodology from that ofGeneral English. • ESP is likely to be designed for adult learners; • ESP is generally designed for intermediate and advanced
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