Essay On Floor Cleaning Robot

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Abstract—This paper describes the design and implementation of a Bluetooth controlled floor cleaning robot. It is a four wheeler robot and is designed in such a way that it will help clean the floor. It consists of a water tank, a vacuum and brush which clean for the floor. The movement of the robot is controlled by using a microcontroller Arduino UNO R3 and using a Bluetooth app with the help of a Bluetooth module. This system compares with the existing system Roomba that runs automatically and cleans automatically. Keywords—Floor Cleaning robot. Cleaning, Bluetooth controlled, function of components I. INTRODUCTION The use of robot has created a great impact on human lives and made them easier. Today human efforts have been reduced so much that all heavy load work can be done with the help of robots. Robots often use computer systems for their control, sensory feedback, and information processing. There are numerous sorts of robots that are utilized as a part of a wide range of situations for distinctive purposes, albeit being…show more content…
The Roomba certainly doesn’t look like vacuum. The puck-molded plate takes the measure of a car's controlling wheel in diameter and the stature of a mug. The Roomba 880 is fit for cleaning a few rooms on one charge, and will spend a most extreme of 25 minutes in every room before proceeding onward [2]. Our prototype is generally following the similar functions of Roomba and the robot can perform for particular time but it has the power to clean up few tiles of the floor quickly. Roomba has an auto sensor which works automatically whereas our system is moving with the help of a Bluetooth device and the prototype is very much cost efficient, whereas Roomba is a very expensive

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