Vagueness In Legal English

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The research work was conducted with foremost mission to highlight lacks withinlegal English learners. The list of learners for study not only has included the students but teachers themselves. It was likely considered that the students fail to comprehend issue of Vagueness found in English legal language. It even contradicted with legal student’s goal of precision. According to (Swales and Bhatia, 1982), they pointed that “English for legal Purposes (ELP) is an important but relatively uncultivated corner of the ESP field. One of the reasons could be involvement of specialty of Legal English. With this, study tends to opine that English of legal language and the field of law itself lead to bitter challenges than GE (General English) than could…show more content…
Learners of English language are usually those who can speak English as second or foreign language. Whereas, ESP is defined as “prospect that lights to one particular area of English Language teaching (ELT) and narrowly focuses on preparing learners to choose particular communicative surrounding” (Mohan, 1986). The need within ESP course is to state about needs assessment of professional learners, content-based teaching and methods and content-area instruction to a particular field. It is observed that learner’s field of study seems always in cooperation to subject area specialists within ESP teaching practice. Similarly, ELP is one of the subdivisions in ESS (English for Social Sciences) within ELT. It is the continuum of ELT course types (Dudley-Evans/St John 1998). The main objective for ELP andESP seems to coincide on preparing learners for particular professional surroundings. Similarly, ELP is designed separately for two purposes, academic and occupational. This validates the statement of Carter (1983) regarding ESP. He stated that “ESP is concerned with turning the learners into users”. ELP in this way is set to resolve the issues that are related to analyzing of cases and interpreting legal arguments, legal texts and statutory contents, which is written in English language of law. They are significantly employed as source of combating with…show more content…
A demarcation is observed between two aspects that is; what interpreted words or legal terms should be made to work in legal proceedings and how the judges strike to have balance between vagueness (uncertainty) of arguments by advocates in proceedings and requirement of precision (certainty) while giving a decision based on legal document. After thoroughly observing of the above facts, it was also experienced that field of law is a cautious organization which is structured on logic, reasonableness, justification that does not allow biasedness and errors in contrary to language. The result could be tolerant of different interpretations. Therefore, in spirit of law, every chosen word is extremely important which should not be sought incorrect in any situation. The above two criteria led to visualize a fact that it should not be neglected in any case for law students, who are still commencing their degree in law in practically misinterpreting the semantics of this subject. It will not be tolerable in any case if they somehow present mismanagement in their professional legal tasks with

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