English Language Teaching

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The phenomenon of globalization, which occurred after changes and developments within the historical process, has changed the relationship between the nation and the globalized world towards very different extents. Along with this new emerging processes, language phenomenon which possesses universal values, has become an important need for the communication of people. Scientific and technological developments which occurred with Industrial Revolution were clinched and became more powerful with developments after Second World War. This rapid development in science and technology was also attributed to English language in academic platforms moreover the situation was thought as economic superiority of the USA in global arena. (Hutchison and Waters,…show more content…
In the direction of framework that was constituted, various definitions about English language teaching for specific purposes were asserted. If the definitions are examined, it can be seen that English Language Teaching for Specific Purposes is considered as language teaching where English teaching program and materials have been created by taking in consideration the formerly solved communication requirements. (Munby and Russell, 1991). In another definition, English language teaching for specific purposes is defined as language teaching that is implemented within the framework of plans and programs that have been prepared considering the overall needs of students (Hutchison and Waters, 1987). The proposed main principle in English language teaching for specific purposes, is that needs have to be prioritized based on the student, teacher and school triangle. In this perspective students are at the center of English language teaching for specific purposes while preparing the plans and programs. However, student-centered education is not only used for English language teaching for specific purposes, but as well as in accordance with other goals and objectives; it is a condition that occurs in language teaching that has been planned and implemented. (Brumfit,…show more content…
One of the schools is established in 1990-1991 academic year (Vocational School of Health Services) and the other one is founded in 2003 (Ceyhan Vocational School of Health Services). Both institutions offer English courses for all departments for the freshmen students. However, courses that address the students’ needs in their future profession are quite rare. In medical documentation program of Vocational School of Health Services is offered an ESP course titled as Correspondence Techniques in English which helps students how to write social and business letters. Despite this what is important to be emphasized is that the language of instruction is in
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