Environmental Protection Agency History

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On December 2, 1970, President Richard Nixon established the Environmental Protection Agency in an effort to protect human health and the environment through enforced laws and regulations (The Guardian: Origins of the EPA). Originating from his Reorganization Plan Number 3 in July of 1970, the Environmental Protection Agency was Nixon's vision that he presented to Congress that would regulate environmental protection and protect human health (The Guardian: Origins of the EPA). Many individuals in Congress suggested a different, cabinet-level approach to the agency, however, the President's plan was approved in it's original format (The Guardian: Origins of the EPA). The EPA stemmed from the National Environmental Policy Act of 1970 and…show more content…
McCarthy would continue the legacy of William D. Ruckelshaus, the first administrator nominated in 1970 by President Nixon (Lewis). The Agency has 10 regional offices in major cities around the nation with their headquarters located in the state capital. Since its establishment in 1970, the agency has created more offices beneath its headquarters in DC. The highest offices are the Office of the Administrator and the Office of Administration and Resource Management. Others include the Office of Air and Radiation, Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention, Office of the Chief Financial Officer, Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance, Office of Environmental Information, Office of General Counsel, Office of Inspector General, Office of International and Tribal Affairs, Office of Research and Development, Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response, and the Office of Water (epa.gov). These offices focus on designated aspects of the broad range of environmental issues. As implied by their titles, one office focuses on protecting citizens against contaminated water and disease while another focuses on managing funds and finances of all the environmental departments. The departments have their own responsibilities beneath the purpose of the…show more content…
According to Nixon in his message to the House and Senate, the agency's powers would consist of establishing and enforcing environmental protection standards and researching and gathering information on the effects of pollution to strengthen existing environmental programs (The Guardian: Origins of the EPA). The agency would also assist others in decreasing environmental pollution through means such as grants and technical assistance and more importantly assist the Council on Environmental Quality and the President in developing new environmental policies (The Guardian: Origins of the EPA). By doing this, they can ensure that Americans are protected by harmful environmental risks to human health and that these risks are reduced with federal enforced laws protecting both the environment and the individual (epa.gov). In addition to this, the agency is responsible for taking all aspects of the environment into consideration when creating new environmental policy for the nation. (epa.gov). They also educate the American society in managing and protecting human health from environmental risks while cooperating with other nations to protect the global environment (epa.gov). The Environmental Protection Agency has many responsibilities that have been divided into the many offices

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