Environmental Impact On Environment

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Direct impacts of agriculture development on the environment arise from farming activities, which contribute to soil erosion, land salination and loss of nutrients. The spread of green revolution has been accompanied by over exploitation of land and water resources and use of fertilizers and pesticides have increased many folds. Shifting cultivation has also been an important cause of land degradation. Leaching from extensive use of pesticides and fertilizers is an important source of contamination of water bodies. Intensive agriculture and irrigation contribute to land degradation particularly salination, alkalization and water logging. It is evident that most of the land in the country is degrading, thus affecting the productive resource…show more content…
Out of the total replenish able ground water; about 84 percent is made available for agriculture and livestock, the rest 16 percent is made available for domestic consumption, industrial use and power generation. However, not all the water abstracted is effectively used, there are sizable losses in conveyance and application of irrigated water, a large part of water used by industry and domestic purposes is returned to the streams as effluent waste; and most of the water drawn by power station is used for cooling purposes and is available for reuse The amount of water available per person has declined in recent decades primarily because of population growth and water scarcity is projected to worsen in the future. The water pollution in India comes from three main sources: domestic sewage, industrial effluents and run off from activities such as agriculture. Major industrial sources of pollution in India include the fertilizer plants, refineries, pulp and paper mills, leather tanneries, metal plating and other chemical industries. Levels of solid wastes increased in rivers and lakes and other water systems are also heavily polluted due to the intrusion of solid wastes. Largely because of widespread pollution, access to safe drinking water remains an urgent need as only 70.1 percent of the households in urban areas and 18.7 percent in rural areas received organized pipe water supply and others have to depend on…show more content…
The environmental effects due to increasing consumption levels of fuels like coal; lignite, oil and nuclear etc. are of growing concern to various researchers. The combustion of these fuels in industries has been a major source of pollution. Coal production through open cast mining; its supply to and consumption in power stations and industrial boilers leads to particulate and gaseous pollution, which can cause pneumoconiosis, bronchitis and respiratory diseases. The bulk of commercial energy comes from the burning of fossil fuels. coal and lignite in solid form, petroleum in liquid form and gas in gaseous form. In addition to emission of greenhouse gases, the burning of fossil fuels has led to several ecological problems and associated with health problems like cancer risk, respiratory diseases and other health problems. Burning of traditional fuel adds a large amount of carbon-di-oxide into atmosphere and increases air

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