The Person I Admire Most Essay

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HE is mobbed wherever he goes. People want to touch him, school children happily line up to give him their pocket money, women throw their jewellery at him, small traders and businessmen have raised billions of rupees for his cause. His rallies get bigger and more inspiring day the day. Stimulating slogans proclaim him as the next prime minister of Pakistan. He is Imran Khan, a former captain of Pakistan's cricket team, who shot to glory after Pakistan won cricket's World Cup in 1992. The person I admire the most is well-known legend and ex-Pakistani cricketer, Imran Khan. It may seem strange that a passionate Pakistani and a Pakistan cricket fan admires the country’s cricketer who even has been retired from cricket but it’s a testament to the type of cricketer he is. He is a tough, gritty person that never backs down from challenge or a fight. He is a winner. Winning is everything to him, everything other than winning is meaningless. He arrived as the Pakistani captain to compete for the World Cup with his much fancied Pakistani side full of with other Pakistani cricket legends such as, Wasim Akram,…show more content…
Every player knew how to go about their game and get the best out of themselves. So in that respect it was probably easy for him. However, leading so many big name players with their big egos would have been a huge task in itself and to keep the dressing room harmonious with all these egos would have been an incredibly stressful job. He has never been regarded as a one of the best batsman, bowler and captains in a tactical sense but in my opinion he was one of the best leaders ever to play the game. He led from the front, never backing down from a challenge and never shirking from whatever the situation and pressure is whether of cricket, his social work or later of politics. I have experience of interaction with few legends but Imran Khan is one of the greatest one I have had ever
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