Importance Of Environmental Accounting

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ENVIRONMENTAL ACCOUNTING AND REPORTING PRACTICES OF HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LIMITED ABSTRACT: In recent years, due to increased global warming and environment degradation, environment protection has assumed utmost priority at the international level. There is a growing pressure for the corporate enterprises to consider environmental effects of their business operations. As a result, accounting and disclosure of environmental matters have rapidly been emerging as an important dimension of environment management. Environmental Accounting is the process of identification measurement and communication of information on the environmentally responsible performance of a business entity to permit economic decisions. Environmental Reporting…show more content…
A tradeoff between environmental protection and development is a great concern today. The responsibility towards environment has become one of the most vital areas of corporate social responsibility. The concern of environmental responsibility and the sustainable industrial development has given birth to a new branch of accounting i.e. Environmental Accounting. Environmental Accounting is the process of identification measurement and communication of information on the environmentally responsible performance of a business entity to permit economic decisions. It is concerned with the measurement and disclosure of costs and benefits to the society as a result of operating activities of a business enterprise within or outside the business. Environmental Reporting is an extension of environment accounting and it means incorporation of environmental issues into the corporate annual reports of corporate entities. It denotes voluntary and involuntary disclosures by corporate entities on the impact of its activities on environment. Now the performance of a business concern is not only judged on financial parameters but also on the basis of contribution towards protection of environment. As a result a large number of companies all over the…show more content…
The study is based on secondary data collected from official Government websites, research papers published in various Journals and annual audited reports of HPCL. The Annual Reports of HPCL for the year 2015-16 and 2016-17 are analysed in detail to examine its disclosure practices regarding the environmental issues. ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION ACTS AND REGULATIONS IN INDIA: The National Council for Environmental Policy and Planning was set up in 1972 within the Department of Science and Technology to establish a regulatory body to look after the environment-related issues. This Council evolved into a full-fledged Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) in 1985. At present the MoEF is the apex administrative body in the country for regulating and ensuring environmental protection and lays down the legal and regulatory framework for the same. The MoEF and the pollution control boards ("CPCB", i.e. Central Pollution Control Board and "SPCBs", i.e. State Pollution Control Boards) together form the regulatory and administrative core of the

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