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The What, Why, and the Need for the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) has been paramount as well as the genesis for environmental protection across the board. “The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) was one of the first laws ever written that establishes the broad national framework for protecting our environment.” (EPA) Through the NEPA, partnerships between both federal and private agencies is paramount for success; coordination is not the only central aspect to a successful NEPA, the research analysis and understand of said research is just as equally important. In this paper I will discuss what NEPA does, how they work with other agencies, some examples of this partnership,…show more content…
One example of a non federal agency is the International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA). This group focuses mainly on the research, EISs for example. With this law, NEPA gave birth to the Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs). This tool, is highly regarded across the United States and even in other countries to “identify and predict the impacts of prospective actions or projects so that information can be used in the development design and ultimately the approval of the project.” (Randolph 505) The need and purpose for NEPA and the associated environmental laws can only be explained as essential. Without the laws and mandates within NEPA and the decisions being made by our public officials and developers. Some of the successes of NEPA include the “Joshua Tree National Park, and Expansion of an Army National Guard Readiness Center.” (NEPA 2010) Both of which worked with the local governments and even military. For example, a navy fighter squadron wanted to create a new…show more content…
Without thorough enforcement and concessive participation and acceptance of the EIA requirements, the battle will always be fought to ensure preservation of an ecosystem over the need for human expansion and development. Furthermore, besides enforcement another problem is the “NEPA is virtually ignored in formulating specific policies and often is skirted in developing programs, usually because agencies believe that NEPA cannot be applied within the time available or without a detailed proposal.” (NEPA) NEPA has not always been a success, soon after its enactment, federal agencies interpretations of certain aspects with the law have come under fire and question by the public, other federal agencies and more so, other private agencies and developers; even with Supreme court involvement in some cases like, Lujan v. National Wildlife Federation, were the supreme court overruled the lower courts decision in favor of the plaintiff. “FINDINGS: Reversing the Court of Appeals in a 5-4 decision authored by Justice Scalia, the Supreme Court acknowledged that neither NEPA nor FLPMA provides a private right of action for violations of its provisions.” (Swartz

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