A Career In Public Health

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One of the most precious lessons that I have erudite from life is to make the finest of what I have. I believe this is the only key one should have to survive in the country like Pakistan. My journey begins when I was in school; I truly realized the significance of setting goals in life. However a good result makes my destined goal of becoming a doctor more clearly to me and I continued my studies in medical. I was inspired in my childhood by watching/listening about some doctors’ work and the pride they had in healing one's health. I always wanted to serve humanity and my country. By seeing my interest in the medical field my parents also supported me in fulfilling my dream and I choose Baqai Medical University, one of the most renown and…show more content…
The goal is to become a leader in designing, implementing and monitoring of health care programs in response to the health needs of my country. The field of public health is one of the most dynamic in the entire health care industry. A big part of public health lies in preventative care. That means that i will be able to work on projects that will actually prevent the illnesses that impact so many people’s health. I will be able to process a gigantic amount of information and work towards refining the fitness of my country. The food my nation eats has been effecting population's health and it can be enhanced safety wise by the efforts of public health workers and i may be able to help take part in that as well. There’s a good chance I could be on the front lines in the battle against things like AIDS or cancer. The sense of pride one gains from helping children with their overall health and well-being is unmatched, and in the public health field i will be doing a huge amount of work towards helping youth. There is a strong possibility that i will lead global change in health for the better. Simply put, no other field in medicine affords the chance to become a global leader in health care. Similarly, there is a chance that i will make assistances that will change the face of medicine in general. Things like immunizations are a perfect instance of what could be possible in this field. i may make a lasting impression on humanity that will last forever. It’s a career well worth pursuing if i want to stay challenged, help others, and enjoy great service to my nation and career
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