Perceptual Learning Style Analysis

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According to Dhillon (2011), it was mentioned that Perceptual Learning Style Preference Questionnaire (PLSPQ) by Reid (1987) was specifically designed for adult non-native speakers of English language. As my research is focused on primary school students, it is not guaranteed that the PLSPQ is suitable to be administered in this research. A pilot test will be done on primary school students to ensure the suitability and reliability of this questionnaire in this current research. Despite this limitation, PLSPQ was chosen in this research due to the fact that it has been used in several studies on learning styles (Peacock, 2001). Besides, according to Zou (2006), PLSPQ is commonly used in learning styles studies because the results obtained…show more content…
They may feel uncomfortable if they are asked to sit in one place for a long period of time. It is important for teachers to ensure that the activities designed require active participation from the learners. Kinaesthetic learners prefers activities that require hands-on participation and to move about. The Total Physical Response (TPR) teaching method is suitable to be applied in classrooms that have a majority of kinaesthetic learners. TPR is a teaching method that requires learners to carry out spoken commands using physical actions by the teacher (Asher, 2009). Kinaesthetic learners are able to retain information well by participating actively in activities and role-playing in the classroom. However, it is not very easy to accommodate to kinaesthetic learners as there may not be enough time or enough physical space in the classroom for the learners to move around completing…show more content…
In the past, many researchers have examined this aspect in the learning process from different angles. These studies on learning styles were focused in mostly among ESL and EFL learners. Researchers had attempted to investigate further on this topic to provide more in-depth understanding on effective language learning. Therefore, this section would discuss the literature review on the past studies which have been conducted on ESL and EFL students’ learning styles in different contexts. Reid (1987) who was the pioneer for perceiving the perceptual learning style preferences of university ESL/EFL learners came up with the Perceptual Learning Style Preference Questionnaire (PLSPQ). The PLSPQ was invented as they were no published research that describes the perceptual learning style preferences of non-native English speakers. A study by Reid (1987) which examined 90 students’ preferred types of learning styles in a university in USA showed that the participants preferred kinesthetic and tactile learning styles while they did not prefer group learning

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