Energy Drinks Case Study

876 Words4 Pages
Comparison of Energy Drink Consumption Consciousness & Habits of Vocational Health High School Students having Health Sciences Education or Not ANKARA UNIVERSITY VOCATIONAL HEALTH HIGH SCHOOL The aim of the study was to determine whether there was any difference between the level of knowledge on the consumer habits of energy drinks, ingredients and health effects of undergraduate level Students having Health Sciences Education or not. A purpose-oriented survey was designed and filled out by face to face interviews with 365 students participated the survey. The participants having Health Sciences Education and not were at the average ages of (19.72± 1.81 and 20.06±1.68) respectively. In order to determine the differences between the percentages, frequency distributions of inter-group elements, chi-square statistical procedures have been implemented. The survey has concluded similar proportion of groups were consuming energy drinks, having exercises, no cigarettes and alcohol using habits, mostly tea consumption but…show more content…
The reason for this can be attributed to the failure of containing information on energy drinks and ingredients and their effects in the curriculum. It was determined that no knowledge of the structure and active specialties of caffeine which was also used in medicine as raw material, was placed in the curriculum for students having health education. The students could be more educated by adding an elective course to the curriculum giving positive and negative effects of food on the health. Besides; the written and visual media advertisements of energy drinks should also contain information on their deleterious health

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