Christ Figure In Literature

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Regardless of one’s belief system or how one feels about religion in general, one of the most repeatedly used character types in all of literature is that of the Christ figure. One might even exaggerate and say that even people who do not know the full story of the life and death of Jesus Christ are familiar with the Christ-like character which has been used frequently throughout literature across the world. The Christ figure is only less used in those countries and cultures in which Christianity is not the main religion or those in which Christianity has yet to truly take root, or where it is not accepted. That does not mean, of course, that characters which might be described as Christ-like do not appear in the literatures of those countries…show more content…
Jesus is usually described as being kind-hearted, patient, compassionate, gentle, loving, forgiving, good-hearted, charitable, pure, without sin (despite being human), selfless, sharing, and righteous. He healed the sick, comforted the poor and suffering, fed the masses with the loaves and fish, would help and socialize with people that society deemed unclean (like lepers) or unacceptable (like prostitutes), and drove the money-changers from the temple in righteous anger, since the temple was no place for market business. He took his mission on earth – to fulfill the prophecies as told by the prophets of the Old Testament and bring salvation to God’s people – very seriously. Even when it became obvious that his message of salvation would get him in trouble, he continued to preach and help people. It is true that he asked God to take that fate away from him, if it was possible – he was, after all, still human and still felt fear – but he did not shy away from suffering and torture and death when it became obvious that they were unavoidable and the only way to complete his mission. Even when his own people, the Jews, called for his death, he never rejected them or criticized them; he stood by his purpose, stood by his position, and focused on his…show more content…
The Christ-like figure of Márquez’s Chronicle of a Death Foretold, Santiago Nasar, seems much less obvious as a Christ-like figure. His name – Santiago – seems suggestive of a religious or spiritual significance. The narrator’s initial description of Santiago, as he was on the day of his murder, reflects some of the virtues associated with Jesus, or at least of a good person like Jesus. The narrator describes Santiago as “merry and peaceful, and openhearted” (Márquez 6). Others in the story recall him as friendly and good-hearted. However, Divina Flor describes him as a man who would basically sexually harass her (Márquez 14). This strange mix of information early on the story makes the reader wonder how Santiago could be a Christ-like
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