Equity Theory Of Motivation

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Equity theory of motivation was developed in the early 1960’s by J. Stacey Adams. It recognizes that motivation can be affected through an individual's perception of fair treatment in social exchanges and professional competency. Equity Theory proposes that a person's motivation is based on what he or she considers being fair when compared to others (Redmond, 2010). As noted by Gogia (2010), when applied to the workplace, Equity Theory focuses on an employee's fair treatment, work-compensation relationship or "exchange relationship" as well as that employee's attempt to minimize any sense of unfairness that might result. When compared to other people, individuals want to be fairly considered in recruitment exercise and for their contributions (the outcomes they…show more content…
Equity theory, for example, helps explain why highly paid union workers go on strike when no one else but the members understand why and why millionaire athletes feel that they are underpaid and don't feel they make enough money. Because Equity Theory deals with social relationships and fairness/unfairness (Gogia, 2010). The loopholes in this theory regarding this study is further advanced by expectancy theory. 2.5.2. The Expectancy Theory. The Expectancy Theory of Motivation is best described as a process theory unlike Equity theory. With research pioneered by Edward C. Tolman and continued by Victor H. Vroom, Expectancy Theory provides an explanation of why individuals choose one behavioral option over others. The idea with this theory is that people are motivated to do something because they think their actions will lead to their desired outcome (Redmond, 2009). For instance, managers/recruiters will prefer men over women during recruitment in most security related jobs. "Expectancy theory proposes that work motivation is dependent upon the perceived association between performance and outcomes and individuals modify their behavior
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