Employee Turnover Case Study

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CHAPTER ONE 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Background of the study In today’s scenario where the world is trying to sustain the economic development and to maintain a steady growth on the business and service delivery, employee being an asset and important resources to any organization a treat to the sustainability of the organization. Employee turnover is a key concern issues faced by organizations regardless of its location, sizes, natures of organization, and business strategy. Employee turnover is one of the most serious issues in current world. It refers to the number or percentage of workers who leave an organization and replaced by new employees. An employee is an integral part of any organizations; organizations…show more content…
Such aspects can stem from both the organization as well as the employees. The organizations generally give more attention to the employees’ turnover rate, as it is a very expensive aspect of the organizations. Considering the facts investigated by various authors, organizations should understand why their employees leave and stay to mitigate the reason of leaving the organizations and the reason staying in the organization to attract other competent employees from the market and achieve the ongoing concern of the organization. Therefore, there must be a clear need to develop a better understanding of factors affecting employee turnover and more specifically the key indicators of why employees leave the government organizations which would then have a profound impact on the performances of organizations in order to reduce employee turnover within their organizations ( Kevin, & Adrian,…show more content…
Each employee has his/her own set of expectations upon entering an organization. These expectations not be met, the individual will become dissatisfied and leave. Mobley (2001) suggested that a negative evaluation of the present job leads to job dissatisfaction, thoughts of quitting, and an evaluation of job seeking expectation utility and cost of quitting. Employees turnover incurs significant cost, both in terms of direct costs (replacement, recruitment and selection, temporary employee, management time), and also (and perhaps more significantly) in terms of indirect costs (morale, pressure on remaining employee, product/service quality, and the loss of social capital (Dess et al.

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