Mayo Clinic Case Study

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The healthcare organization I chose to write about is the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. I wanted to write about Mayo Clinic for a few reasons. My Grandfather was provided most of his care at the Mayo Clinic with some of the most amazing Physicians and Nurses. From the time he had to have open-heart surgery to needing stints placed to an abdominal aortic aneurysm repair, defibrillator placement and lastly treatment for diabetes and renal failure. I swear the reason he kept going 30 plus years after open-heart surgery was because of the great care he received at the Mayo Clinic. The team at the Mayo Clinic is hard to beat, you are never rushed out of the hospital, they make sure that you have snacks to eat, and my favorite is the Nurses…show more content…
The Network has more than 40 members in the United States, Mexico, Philippines, Puerto Rico, Singapore and the United Arab Emirates. These independent organizations represent more than 120 hospitals. Out of the independent organizations more than 12 million patients and their healthcare teams have access to Mayo Clinic knowledge, clinical protocols and consultations through Mayo Clinic’s connected care platform in addition to full access to the Mayo app. Mayo clinic is a not-for-profit organization that reinvests all earnings into giving patients high-quality care, finding answers and providing medical treatment to the toughest medical cases and training the next generation of doctors and researchers. (Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research…show more content…
The campus will be the centerpiece of Discovery Square, one of six subdistricts in the Destination Medical Center development initiative. (Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research (2017). Discovery Square will serve as a point for physicians and scientists to work together with businesses and entrepreneurs to move forward with advancements in medical innovation and technology for critical advances in patient care. Since introducing the plan Mayo Clinic continues its commitment to the DMC initiative, investing $9.5 million in integrated operational support. (Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research

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