High School Dropout In Schools

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Addressing the existing high school dropout problems made it to the discussion table many times due to its economic, social consequences on communities and families, therefore educators and policy makers are constantly looking for support programs to re-enrol existing high school dropouts and enable them to improve their academic achievement skills, obtain their high school diplomas or equivalent which bolster their employability through work experience and training. Most of the young dropouts experience a wide range of job market, earnings, social and income problems that impair their ability to transition to productive career and stable family life. Students worldwide ascribe their decision to drop out to accumulative reasons but regardless…show more content…
Up to 15 per cent of Emirati boys drop out of secondary school and almost a quarter of Emirati men aged between 20 and 24 are school dropouts who will never return to education , a survey in 2011 suggested. Similar Data collected on same age group showed that 34 percent of Qataris and 41 percent of young Jordanian adults never completed a secondary education which indeed forms a challenge for Arab countries attempting to develop knowledge economies amid skill shortage among a growing youth…show more content…
Dr Zureik found that close to 35 per cent of males dropped out between grades 10 and 12 compared to 25 per cent of females . A recent study by Sheikh Saud Bin Saqr Al Qasmi Foundation indicates that at least 20% of males in the United Arab Emirates dropout before graduating secondary school. More than 1,600 pupils dropped out of public schools across the country during 2013-2014, according to the Ministry of Education . The annual report by the Dubai Schools Inspection Bureau, which supervises the United Arab Emirates’ education system together with the Knowledge and Human Development Authority, found that only 32 percent of male student complete high school on time which indicates that many students are held behind due to various reasons. Dropouts occur most often in public schools in grade 10, where 11 percent of boys never make it to grade 11 while some will manage to graduate after they turn 18 . High school dropout is a concern not only in the UAE but all over the world. Data reflects alarming phenomena when it comes to certain races, socioeconomic and family standards . Approximately one third of high school students in the United States fail to earn traditional high school diploma and the numbers get even more alarming for black and Hispanic

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