Vitamin D Deficiency Literature Review

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Introduction To start with Vitamin D inadequacy is a global problem and every one seems to agree that vitamin D is important throughout life. This is certainly as true in the first year of life as it is later on. Another meaning for Vitamin D deficiency is sunshine vitamin . Vitamin D is a critical nutrient for human body in particular for stronger bones, muscle movements, nerve function and immune system well-being. This deficiency plays a significant role on human health, as it results in serious abnormalities and calcium metabolism. This disorder causes insufficient calcium absorption, which cannot satisfy the body’s calcium needs. It should be stated that UAE is the country with high incidence rates of vitamin D deficiency. This happens due to the fact that a large portion of population spends much time indoors, and too little sun exposure results in this disorder, which can cause drastic negative consequences. In this paper I will discuss the literature review and causes of vitamin d deficiency as well thehealth promotion strategies, finally the role of community nurse . Literature Review: High Rates of Vitamin D Deficiency in the UAE, although the United Arab Emirates is a sunny country, such problem as vitamin D deficiency prevails among both adults and children. This happens because the environmental conditions result in low sunlight…show more content…
Adequate vitamin D supplementation is clearly indicated in this high risk population in order to recent nutritional rickets, osteomalacia and osteoporosis. In order to understand the risks posed by vitamin deficiency, the disorders should be discussed. (Bassil, Rahme, Hoteit & Fuleihan, 2013) emphasizes the close connectedness of rickets and osteomalacia to vitamin D deficiency, as according to him, they represent a short-term latency manifestation, and in case of osteogenesis the situation is different, as it represents the long-term latency

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