Business Agility Model

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Global market has seen a boom in digital era after the financial crisis in 2008. Since then, agility has been a point of consideration for the businesses to tackle with the upcoming changes of this modern and developing world. The societies are progressing and their social, cultural and personal values are also influenced by this progress. This kind of change factor can be very crucial when it comes to doing business at a multi-national and multi-cultural level. A research conducted by Hannah Koller in 2014 describes the phenomenon of business agility and its impact on luxury industry. The author has studied various agility models proposed by researchers and investigates the use of these models in present day market. Findings of this study…show more content…
The paper also discusses about the different motivations behind the luxury goods consumption on a micro and macro level. Various Critical Success Factors(CSF) are discussed in the research, which are key driving force for luxury market, depending on industry attractiveness evaluation and political, economical, social, technological, environmental & legal analysis. The research discusses about Burberry to demonstrate the business agility phenomenon and the behavior of luxury market. This example also illustrates the challenges faced by the luxury companies to take advantage of current market scenario which offers them less agility as compared to other sectors of global economy. Most of the information gathered for this research is through the surveys conducted as a party of primary information. Qualitative data is used for analysis in this research and the findings are based on this primary data. The secondary source of information for this research is achieved by studying different agility business models applicable to luxury…show more content…
In this study the authors have compared the availability of luxury to the current middle class masses and to their ancestors 10 years ago. The study shows that the luxury goods that middle class in United States is able to afford as per the present day scenario were only dreams for their ancestors. The authors also compared the behavior and habits of middle class consumer to their ancestors 20 years ago. Present day middle class is also engaging them more and more in luxury vacations, eating in an expensive restaurant, etc. which seemed to be very difficult for the middle class 20 years ago. This phenomenon is explained by the increasing wealth of middle class consumer and some authors also classify these groups of people into a sub-division of society to upper middle class. Consumers of luxury have started spending more and more on themselves in past few years and this trend is escalating considering the competition in financial market across the world. This increased competition in financial market has resulted in lower interest rates, low credit cost and inflation is also controlled giving more stability and convenience in the financial market. This phenomenon has led to financial independence for the
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