Elements Of Rhetorical Analysis

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Elements of Rhetorical Situations The understanding of Rhetorical Situation elements can be relatively complex to the untrained writer. As noted in “The Norton Field Guide to Writing,” there are six elements to be considered when preparing any writing. Those elements consist of purpose, audience, genre, stance, media and design, as well as academic context. Although all six elements of Rhetorical Situations are inevitably intertwined, a writer aims to deliver an experience for the reader. While all elements contribute to the creation of a successful writing, each element has a place of importance. When considering all of the elements, the element of “purpose” would be the one with the greatest weight in priority. The element of “genre” would prove to be a challenging element to master. When developing content for a written project, it certainly seems essential to define the purpose of the text as the first step to organizing the masterpiece. The purpose sets the stage for facts, evidence, and creates the course for persuasion. Furthermore, without a…show more content…
For an example, the genre could be letters, profiles, reports, blog posts, and even jokes. Concentrating on the audience should be the focus for determining the type of genre. This requires possessing insight to those likely reading the text. Therefore, knowing the audience is fundamental when selecting the genre. Consequently, some readers may prefer scholarly articles, as others prefer blogs. As such, it is difficult, without a plan, to determine the genre required to meet the goal and attract the audience to the text created. Suppose we view genres as an art. As with artists, writers get to choose their “canvas.” While some writers are skilled in writing jokes others are skilled in writing education materials. If art is an expression of one’s self and unique to the artist, writing is one in the

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