Genre Analysis In Literature

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Recently, there has been a sharp increase in the number of English language learners in different parts of the world. Such a growth motivates more students to do their graduate studies in language related fields such as English language teaching and linguistics. Similarly, we can see that in different parts of Iran, there are various universities which offer graduate courses in English language teaching and general linguistics. Students who enter such programs can graduate upon being successful in writing and defending their master’s thesis. Therefore, thesis writing seems to be a crucial part of such educational system. 1.2 Statement of the Problem Genre analysis has been recently so popular among researchers and scholars (Bhatia 1993, Swales…show more content…
According to Swales (1990) and Posteguillo (1999), this particular section has been considered as part of the discussion section. This may be why the research studies on the structural organisation of RA conclusion sections are scarce. It is known that the conclusion sections of RAs provide not only an outline of the study but also other important elements, such as implications and recommendations (Sandoval 2010 cited in Morales 2012). Although there is a small number of research studies which have analysed the structural organisation of this particular section, the findings of two studies (Moritz et al. 2008 and Yang & Allison 2003) in particular are interesting. For example, in Yang and Allison’s (2003) study, it was found that the conclusion sections of applied linguistics articles contained three moves (Move 1: Summarising the study, Move 2: Evaluating the study, and Move 3: Deductions from the research). These moves were organised linearly and Move 1 was found to be the most frequent move. In Moritz et al.’s (2008) study, which compared three corpora of conclusion sections in the field of applied linguistics written by three groups of different authors (Portuguese L1, English L1, and English L2), six moves were found including ‘Restating the introductory statement’, ‘Consolidating the research space’, ‘Summarizing the study’,…show more content…
2008, Hirano 2004, Jogthong 2001, Kanoksilapatham 2007, Ozturk 2007, Peacock 2002, Samraj 2002, Yakhontova 2006). In the Thai context, for example, Kanoksilapatham (2007) found that the move structures of Thai biochemistry RAs were different from those of English biochemistry RAs, for example, ‘Commenting results’ and ‘Stating imitations’ moves were optional in the Thai corpus, while they were conventional in English corpus. Thai writers tended not to contextualise their results to the fields or relevant literature by comparing results obtained from the study with those found in previous research studies, or making generalizations based on the findings. The findings from Jogthong’s (2001) study revealed that Thai RA introduction sections fitted

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