Compare And Contrast The Slave Codes

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Slave codes varied from state to state back when slave owners had full control over the enslaved blacks, and their families. Slave’s had to work six days a week from the time the sun raised until it went down, they also were fed very minimal food every day (if even any on some days). Slaves also had to live very poorly, usually on hard floors with straw and many slaves staying together in one cabin. Slave codes were the state laws governing the status of slaves in those states, many of which were derived from laws going back to colonial times when the black men and women had to listen and be owned by the whites. Laws differed from state to state but generally asserted full rights of control to masters and required full…show more content…
Actually, black freedmen were a crucial part of the antislavery movement. “Frederick Douglass also published the "North Star" a newspaper for black readers when the black people could read. The reaction of free blacks to slave codes largely depended on where they lived and who their slave owners were. According to the Library of Congress, many free blacks in the South could do little in the way of opposing the slave codes because they were banned from traveling.” In Northern cities, free blacks opposed the slave codes through voting, writings and buying slaves who were friends or family members. Free slaves in the North would coordinate with white abolitionists to form escape routes for runaway slave. When the slaves would run away from their owners, they would tend to do this in the middle of night and have help by many. There were other free blacks who were not so fortunate. Many white men who were slave owners would try and capture free black slaves, and take their papers to make them work again. Other free blacks responded by having documentation at all times to keep themselves from being captured as slaves (even though they did not care and would still capture you if you had

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