Louise Mallard's Dream

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A Dream of Being Free Every human being takes certain situation in different perspective. In the short story, “The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin lets the readers knows that this is a story that happens all in one hour. This story is mainly about one woman, Louise Mallard, who is used to develop many themes in the story. Mrs. Mallard receives horrible news that something terrible has happened to her husband. Mrs. Mallard, the main character, struggle between being a wife that is expected to honor her husband’s wishes, being a free-spirited individual, and being a woman to know who she is to make her a complete person. Mrs. Mallard, who is the main character of the story, has received horrible news that her husband has been in a terrible train wreck and he has passed away. As in the beginning of the story, we are told that Mrs. Mallard has heart trouble and with the news she just received, it could make her heart even worse. Josephine, Mrs. Mallard’s sister, is the one who told Mrs. Mallard that her husband has passed away. Mrs. Mallard did not take the news like most women would take the news if they found out that their loved one has passed away because she was still in shock. Mrs. Mallard asks to be a separate room…show more content…
Mallard, has been given some horrible news about her husband had been in a terrible train wreck. In shock, Mrs. Mallard leaves the room and goes into her bedroom when all of sudden there is a different side of Mrs. Mallard. At first, she is very upset about her husband’s death; however, something on the inside of her makes her happy and cheery. Since her husband is dead and gone, she can finally be the free woman she always wanted to be, and not struggle between who she was and who she is about to become. In a matter of time, as she is embracing her new life as a single woman, something devastating happens to her and kills her with
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