Van Dijk's Theory Of News Discourse

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In critical studies of media discourse , Van dijk is mostly referenced and quoted amoung CDA practitioners and is even referenced in studies that do not necessarily fit in CDA perspective (e.g. Karim, 2000; Ezewudo, 1998). In 1980s, with the focus on the representation of ethnic groups & minorities in Europe , he started his discourse analysis theory to media texts. In his News Analysis (1988), Dijk inegrated his general theory of discourse to the discourse of news in the press, and applied his theory to authentic cases of news reports both at national as well as international level. His framework for analyses of news discourse is distinguish because of his call for a thorough analysis not only of the textual and structural level of media…show more content…
According to van Dijk (1988), the headlines "define the overall coherence or semantic unity of discourse, and also what information readers memorize best from a news report" (p. 248) he claims that lead paragraphs and headlines express the relavent and most important information ofcognitive model of journalists, which shows us how the journalist defines the news event.The reader would believe the and adopt the subjective media definitions unless he has different knowledge and beliefs about the event . (van Dijk, 1988, p.248) As per Dijk's pointof view, news schemata are structured according to a specific narrative pattern that consists of summary (headline and the lead paragraph), story (situation consisting of episode and backgrounds), and consequences (final comments and conclusions). These section as arranged in a news story as per their relevance so the overview is inside the summary,the headline and the lead paragraph so that reader could easily recall and…show more content…
18). In this sense, for van Dijk, "ideologies … are the overall, abstract mental systems that organize … socially shared attitudes" (p. 18). Ideologies, thus, "indirectly influence the personal cognition of group members" in their act of comprehension of discourse among other actions and interactions (p. 19). He calls the mental representations of individuals during such

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