Effects Of Socialization

1541 Words7 Pages .Socialization and belongingness of children’s of respondents As all respondents reply to the interview in relation to contents of family communication, socialization is one issue that discussed among family members for the sake belongings specially children with their respective relatives like parents family such as grandfather and grandmother. Repeatedly all the respondents view socialization helps to connect children with their respective relatives to feel as part of their parent’s family and relatives. Socialization is the key issue among family members most among families from different cultural groups. It is true that to be part of their parent’s family with full respecting and acceptance, socialization is one means of belonging…show more content…
As all respondent under the study responded during the interview is respecting the difference. The ways to minimize misunderstanding within the family is respect each other’s culture and understanding the difference. But some it is difficult to understand the difference in relation culture and language especially in the early marriage. Especially as they said , if they adapt the same language without changing of culture over ride the issues of cultural differences and when they practice their family live as family members. Because each society has its own practices, culture, values, norms and language. This shows how cultural difference influence social life of the society and family members specially children of mixed families. According to, (Gidden, (2005), society is a system of interrelationships that connects individuals together. It is quite evident that we belong to a culture we are born in. And cultures of any society consists of the values the members of a given groups hold, the languages they speak, the symbols they revere, the norms they follow, and the material goods they create, from tools to clothing. This shows that how culture interconnected with life of individual, families, society and community. A family from the different cultural groups has to have and acknowledge their difference and accept their differences for the sake of…show more content…
From the interview results, it was known that the matter was also another common issue among family members during family communication as families discuss about the children in relation to their school and parenting styles of managing the children while the children consider exclusion from the communication among their family members. As literature review discussed the researcher focus on nuclear family in which individuals of family member have role in all the activities of family. Again, it is matter of socialization of their children with the respective. Family interaction and child-parent communication has a great part in the life children among family members. According to, (Benokraitis, 2014), children are very important members of family in any society. Parents have spent and considerable time, effort in making items for children to play with or use in activities in the family. This means that children are part of the community and families sharing. Parents strengthen cultural identity by encouraging their children as associate with peers from their own culture. However, as the children responded they experienced prejudice and discrimination in public relationship especial with relatives or family relationship and they do not consider themselves as they

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