Consequences Of Inflation In Football

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Consequences The inflation of the football transfer market has negative consequences in different aspects apart from the footballistic results. In first place, we must identify that the huge expenses involved in recent deals will encourage the world of football to an era of dominance by the teams with more resources, mainly financed by oil money, which could result in a sense of monotony regarding the possible outcomes in the next seasons in competitions such as Champions League or even local tournaments. Furthermore, it is also considered that “the problem is that fans and the press have not caught up with this level of inflation, and may never do so again if it continues like this window by window” , because it is a fact that media and fans…show more content…
In addition, this new sense of necessity for a new player to demonstrate its quality by accomplishing short term results only encourages criticism and judgements towards a player, manager and transfer negotiators to the point of considering a player as a “flop” prematurely ignoring the fact that players often need a process of adaption to a team, mostly when the team from which he came is from another league with a different…show more content…
At first, it is essential to identify the difference between football inflation and standard inflation because the football inflation increases faster due to the fact that team´s incomes are based mainly on TV deals and as the deals improve, the money involved in negotiations increase as the sellers know that the economic conditions of the buyer have been boosted, which makes them capable to pay more for a player that in previous years would have cost a lot less. To be precise, since 1992 it is known that standard inflation in the United Kingdom have not presented drastic changes to the point that it hasn´t even doubled, while football inflation is eleven times greater. As a proof, Alan Shearer was transferred to Blackburn Rovers for 3.3 million pounds when he was one of the UK´s best players in his position; by standard inflation means, nowadays Shearer would cost 5.9 million pounds, while the TPI system rates Shearer´s transfer in nowadays value at 37.3 million pounds, which, considering the reality of the transfer market´s deals in actual terms, it is a more realistic value for one of England´s greatest strikers in history. In the other hand, it is said that moves like Raheem Sterling to Manchester

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