Behaviorism In Education

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Introduction The general explanation of the paradigms Behaviorism refers to the school of psychology that is based on the belief that behavior can be measured, trained and changed. It is also a theory of learning based upon the ideas that all behaviors are acquired through conditioning and it is a systematic approach to the understanding of living organisms in relation to environmental events. It is primarily concerned with the observable and measurable aspects of human behaviors. Behaviorist view observable behavior as an important subject matter in its own right and avoid interpreting behavior as a sign of some other psychological phenomenon as other psychological systems. Constructivism draws on the developmental work of Piaget (1977)…show more content…
It is a form of theory and practice which serve to let pupils gain a critical awareness. Critical pedagogy is a type of pedagogy in which critism of the established order and social critism are essential. Critical pedagogy wants to question society in its understanding of the role that education has. From this point of view, social critique is necessary if one does not want an upbringing and education that contributes to the reproduction of…show more content…
• That it’s up to a learner to how much knowledge will be gained • Learning style will determine learner’s knowledge gain • Learners are not clean slates or are not blank slates upon which knowledge is etched. They come to learning situations with already formulated knowledge, ideas, and understandings. This previous knowledge is the raw material for the new knowledge they will create. • Individual learner construct knowledge as part of a community but each has his/her own invisible world view that he/she believes is the same as everyone else's. • Teacher sees learning as an active process where learners construct their own knowledge rather than acquiring it, and views instruction as a process of supporting the construction of knowledge rather than providing it. • The teacher may assume that learners will not reach his or her knowledge, so instead of teaching the learner what she or he knows, he or she will change and challenge the learner's thinking. • Teacher may assume that learners are productively working

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