Educational Attainment Analysis

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2010 2011 2012 2013 Total Form 4 Enrolment 326815 333638 404585 368600 Form 4 Aged 17 Years 58740 69589 102977 103716 Population Age 17 Years 905874 932144 959177 868619 Gross Completion Rate 36.1 35.8 42.2 42.4 Net Completion Rate 6.5 7.5 10.7 11.9 Source: BEST, 2013 Different studies including that of Al-Samarai and Peasgood (1998), Suryadarma and Suryahadi (2010), Simkin (2001) shows relationship between household characteristics and educational attainment. Household refers to people who live together and share income and also basic needs. In other words, residents of a household share the same centre of production and consume from that centre (HBS, 2012) and educational attainment with purposely to this study is referred as a number…show more content…
The analysis focused on the poverty-relevant indicators, including those defined in the Government’s five year program for economic and social development (Including Educational attainment); the National Strategy for Growth and Reduction of Poverty (NSGRP). According to this report the educational attainment differs from one household to another. The similarity of survey design and format to earlier Household Budget Surveys, conducted in 2000/01, 1991/92 and 2007 means that the HBS 2011/12 provide recent data since…show more content…
Education of the population is thus essential for attaining this goal. Attainment of secondary education in Tanzania depends, among other things on household characteristics. Analyzing contribution of household characteristics on education attainment will help understand factors predicting why certain households attain greater years of schooling. Also findings of this study will be useful for policy maker 1.7 Organization of the study This research proposal is organized into three (3) chapters. Chapter one is about the introduction and background of the study. The chapter contains as well the statement of the problem, objectives of the study, limitation and the significance of the study. Chapter two is on literature review. The review comprises an overview of education in Tanzania, theoretical review, empirical review, conceptual framework and gap identified. The last chapter is about research methodology. It includes introduction to methodology, Area and targeted population, sampling, data collection, model and data

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