Primary School Transition

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Chapter One: Introduction Throughout a child’s education they will experience a number of transitions between each educational level. The first and most obvious transition is between pre-school and primary school. This transition represents a shift from a play based, informal structure to the structured and curriculum driven nature of primary school. Children are introduced to new ideas, subjects and style of instruction. The transition which will form the focus of this piece of documentary research will be the transition from primary to secondary school. As children progress through the primary school system they will make many transitions. The children will be expected to deal with increased academic demands as set forth by the curriculum…show more content…
These concepts will be used to define a successful transition and will be used to inform this piece of documentary research. Research Question The factors which will influence the transition from primary to secondary school are many and complex. Combined, or on their own, they will have varying effects on the child. As with any such transition the goal is to make it as smooth and beneficial as possible for the child. As such, the research question will ask: ‘What are the factors which influence the transition from primary school to secondary school in Ireland and their impact on the attainment of a successful transition?’ Aims and Objectives Aim: The aim of this paper is to explore the theory and impact of social and academic factors on the child’s ability to have a ‘smooth as possible’ transition between primary and secondary school. Objectives: • To explore the theory of human development and the social and academic influences which impact on transition. • To examine the experiences and perceptions of children and parents of the transition process. • To establish the changes that might be implemented to practices that are currently in place to assist transition. Motivation for…show more content…
‘Chapter two’ will investigate the influence of background, relationships, self-concept and human development on the transition. ‘Chapter three’ will examine the impact of academic, organisational and institutional factors on the transition. ‘Chapter four’ will focus on the findings of the research, the analysis of these findings and discussion based on the findings. ‘Chapter five’ will contain conclusions based on discussions in the previous chapter and recommendations will be proposed. Conclusion The introduction has presented the key aims and objectives of the dissertation and an outline of the topics which the author will investigate. The motivations for pursuing this research, the themes to be explored and the chapter framework have been identified. The methodology that will be used has been explained and the limitations of this particular research and research method have been

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