Education In Tanzania Case Study

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In Tanzania, primary school marks the end of education for most children, three out of five children continue on to secondary school. The core problem with the Tanzanian educational system is that children are set up to fail. Health, discrimination, and language are three major barriers effecting students ability to succeed. Health is a major issue within Tanzania. The cleanliness of these children play a very important role in their education. When Africa is portrayed on television It is evident that they don’t live a very clean lifestyle, they tend to walk around barefoot and the water is not filtered and purified. Marie Yahl confirms that what we see in the media is not completely wrong and It may even be worse than we thought. “There were about 15 children running around the village and they were very dirty as they had been playing all day. There was a significant problem with flies and the children were covered with dirt and flies. The flies create a problem for the children specifically when they gather around their eyes. I…show more content…
This is when they began to start thinking critically. Therefore, the schooling needs to be structured in a way that these kids are actually learning. If these schools were properly structured, kids would be able to read and write in Swahili and English. However, Tanzania’s educational system is the complete opposite. Most schools have little to know structure. Most classes don’t start on time and It is very common for school to be cancelled. Cancelling class is a very small action, however, It plays a major role in the decline of these schools. Many times, school is called off because of rain and other weather conditions, seeing that these children walk to school, or because of health issues with a teacher. This means that if a teacher is out with a virus or illness, class is cancelled until further notice because of the schools lack of substitute

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