Essay On Negotiation Skills

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In this semester, negotiations skills were among the paramount topics covered. From the knowledge acquired during the semester, negotiation is a process aimed at settling differences by reaching an agreement. Negotiation skills are paramount especially in business transactions where bargaining is a common phenomenon. In addition, various professions such as lawyers use negotiation skills when settling disputes outside the court. Negotiation skills are also used in everyday life where people have similar interests for limited resources. In such cases, negotiation skills help in attaining a win-win situation for both parties. At the beginning of the semester, most of the student’s negotiation skills were indigent. However, with the coverage…show more content…
Many parties involved become personally attached to the problem and, therefore, perceive responses to the problems as attacks directed to them. Separating the parties from the problem prevents emotional reasoning and helps in viewing the problem from a wider perspective. With this regard, three types of problems arising during negotiation were established. Firstly, the parties involved have different perceptions of the problem. It is, therefore, important for parties to try and understand each other’s viewpoint. Proposals should come from both sides in order to reach an agreement supported by both…show more content…
Usually, there are options that can be sued to develop objective criteria. The rules adopted should be acceptable to both parties and be practical and legitimate. Scientific findings and legal precedents could be used to develop objective criteria. Alternatively, the parties can create acceptable procedures for solving the disputes. However, it is important to consider the other party’s reasoning in order to support your position. It is also advisable to have an open mind during the entire process in order to be reasonable and have the willingness to revisit their positions. Also, negotiators should never give in to pressure or

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