Economic Impact Of Globalization

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Local and global investments are the cornerstone of the economy being key factors for the creation of businesses and employment and for their conservation. Today, in the modern international economy, investments often come from overseas and it is also what happens in the EU. The companies are investing to create global value chains that generate new business opportunities but also benefit, competitive advantage, jobs and income. Trade agreements promote investment and create new investment opportunities for companies around the world. The process of economic globalization is at an advanced stage and it is no exaggeration talking about the global village. Globalization has led to a reduction of barriers between countries over time. Due to this…show more content…
When speaking about countries and global economic strategies, we often forget that in every country there are companies that operate and influence the global economy . In general, the business, intended as an organization or economic system where goods and services are exchanged for one another or for money , is the hearth of the performance and economic expectations of individual countries in the global market. Globalization and the disappearance of borders between countries are affecting the way we do business, including methods and strategies through which the companies operate. Therefore, the globalization does not mean only the geographical spread of economic activities but also the functional integration of business operations distributed internationally: the finished products are the result of a complex set of linkages in the production chain, involving numerous countries . Globalization has led to a growing movement of international capital, the spread of multinational technology and the creation of supranational markets. Instead, the evolutionary process by which companies decide to go global is called internationalization.…show more content…
The MNCs have benefited from the advent of the internet: for example, coordinating their centralized management purchasing of raw materials in the world and having the opportunity to approach the consumer globally . It seems clear that the strong evolution of the market, to which we are witnessing, is changing the way we do business and the way we consume. This MSc thesis aims at giving an overview of the global investments market, its changes and evolution of the internationalization process during the last decades with particular focus on investment protection and the investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) in international agreements. We examine the process of direct investment, the clauses of ISDS and the ethical and moral value that these have at the economic and strategic level. In addition, the aim will be to provide every positive and negative aspect for multinationals companies MNCs and small and medium enterprises SMEs. We start from an analysis of ISDS purpose through the experience of companies and we continue with a description of the supranational courts related to the evaluation of such
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