Reflective Essay About Religion

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Several experiences in my life have shaped the way I see other religions and my openness to them today. Some of these situations happened in Colombia, a country mainly Christian Catholic, and others occurred in the US, a nation with great religious diversity. I have been able to interact with people who practice Islam and Judaism, and also Presbyterians, Methodists, Pentecostals, Adventists, and Jehovah’s witnesses. My first experience with a denomination was one of respectful polarization. I was born in a small village of about 400 inhabitants. The entire population was Catholic and there was a small chapel in the middle of the village, where the priest celebrated the Mass once a month and seminarians went to do Holy Week and Christmas missions.…show more content…
For my class of sociology, I had to make a research on religious piety. However, I propose to the teacher that I would like to do my research on the Lefebvrists and he agreed with it. I went several times to interview the pastor of the church in Bogota and attended their masses, where I met a high official in the Colombian government who also gave me an interview at his home. It was a very interesting work and a huge experience in which I learned a lot of their views and differences with the Catholic Church, mainly after Vatican II. Even though I got to know their stance on many issues, I always kept my own view on those issues and the current doctrine of the…show more content…
Therefore, they have helped me to be open to different cultures and entered dialogue with people who have other points of view on political, cultural, and religion matters. These experiences have make the world wider for me and my understanding of everything that happens around me. Thus, I come to the Holy Land and the class on ecumenism with a wide perspective and an openness of mind and heart towards people of the great variety of religious traditions that the world offers for their own personal and spiritual

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