Impact Of Globalization On Indian Economy

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. INDRODUCTION Globalization in economic context means integration of national economies through trade, FDI, Capital flows, migration and the spread of technology. Indian economy was in major crisis in 1991 when foreign currency reserves went down $1 million. Globalization has impact on agricultural, industrial, financial, health and many other sectors. After suffering huge financial crisis Dr. Manmohan Singh take few measures to liberalize and globalize economy: 1. Devaluation: it is for solving BOP problem as Indian currency is devaluated 18-19%. 2. Disinvestent: Public sectors were sold to private sector. 3. NRI Scheme: facilities given to foreign investors. 4. Foreign direct investment: FDI is allowed in various sectors or making Indian…show more content…
Globalization removes trade barriers between nations so to increase the working of industries. And also attracting FDI in a country. According to economic policy 1991. By globalization foreign industries set up in India and generating employment opportunities and reducing poverty in a country. Foreign companies bring advanced technology in India. Its negative is that labors are replaced by technology and resulted in removal of people from job. 2.3. FINANCIAL SECTOR Globalization and liberalization leads to too many innovations in financial sector. There were emergence of various financial institutions and intermediaries. It plays vital role in and positive role in years to come by offering various innovative products. It opens the door for foreign competitors to enter in domestic market. The risk taking factor also increases. Financial sector growth is 5.6% in 2003-04, 8.7% in 2004-06 and 10.9% in 2005-06. Globalization leads to market shift, competition and technological developments in global financial services…show more content…
3. IMPACT OF GLOBALIZATION ON INDIAN ECONOMY Above we studied about impact on different sectors of an economy, now we will study about overall impact of globalization on Indian economy by considering some indicators. 3.1. GDP (Gross domestic product) GDP tells total worth of goods and services produced in a country in a year. In post 1991, India’s GDP is Rs.1, 35, 76,086 crore. Currently in 2015-16, India’s GDP crossed $2 trillion. It is ranked 9th in the world in terms of nominal GDP. India remained 2nd fastest economy behind china until 2015. Growth rate is 7.6% in 2015-16. 3.2. FDI (Foreign direct investment) Before 1991 FDI is nil in India. In first year, foreign investment is of $74 million. As on 31st march 2016, the country receives FDI of $371 billion, since 1991. In 2008, India has highest FDI inflow i.e. $43.40 billion. In 2015, India receives $63 billion and replaces China. 3.3. FOREIGN EXCHANGE RESERVES It is a dismal state of forex reserves that forces govt. to bring economic reforms. After 25 years now, forex reserve record high. In 1991, its only $5.8 billion. On 24 June, Forex is $360.8 billion. Biggest jump in reserves is between 2007 and 2008 .i.e. $309.2 billion. 3.4. EXTERNAL

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