Easy Go Easy Drink Case Study

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Customer relationship management system is a system used for managing the interaction between the company with the current customers and future customers. It often involves using of technology to organize, automate, and synchronize sales, marketing, customer service, and technical supports. By using the CRM system, the target company, Easy Go Easy Drink can be able to create loyalty customers and capture the new customers. By going this way, the company can easily achieve the sales target that set by the management level and expand the company size. We suggest that the Easy Go Easy Drink should have a good CRM system such as have memberships cards for the current customers, create new promotion to attract new customers, create new apps for memberships, create new webpages and so on to promote the company and the types of drinks. By having the memberships cards it can make the current customers become loyalty customers and it will have a stable income for the company. Besides that,…show more content…
So, it is an efficiency way to create a new phone apps and new webpages for Easy Go Easy Drink to promote their new drinks and promotion such as a promotion for members like buy one free one, purchase more than RM30 can have a free gift and have double membership’s point. By this promotion, the current customers will go purchase their products and it also can attract the new customers. Furthermore, the company also can share out their latest drinks to the customers through the apps and internet fans pages. This can cut down a lot of marketing cost compared to the old ways. The customers also can purchase and order the drinks from Easy Drink Easy Go online through the apps and fans pages. Eventually, this will increase the sales because the customers can straight get the drinks without waiting. This will maximize the income for the company and attract the future

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