Kassatly Chtaura Case Study

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Q1- Evaluate the current positioning strategy of Kassatly Chtaura, And discuss CAGE( cultural, administrative, geographic and economic) in relation to the case should you decide to expand into Saudi Arabia or Angola. Introduction: The analysis of this assignment will be covering the positioning strategies of Kassatly Chtaura and the expansion criteria’s must be considered before taking a decision to expanding the business abroad, We will illustrate the options given in the case (Saudi Arabia or Angola) in terms of Cultural, Administrative, Geographic and Economic analysis, I will explain the third option for expanding in internally, Q.1 A The Goal: When Akram Kassatly founded a small bottling company in 1974 with a big dream of following the steps of Nicolas the father who worked in the field winery since 1919, After 40 years the company is linked to a wide and diverse range of drinks in addition to wine, this success is related to the incense care for quality, Know-how and the effective marketing strategy of diversifications of products to meeting the market demands and customer’s expectations, (Fathallah,2015) Since it is critical to take a decision and you’re not sure of its…show more content…
Access to raw materials and human resources in relation to the labors, skills and product changes, Governmental and regulatory barriers like foreign investments, currency repatriation etc. Intellectual property and quality control issues in regards to protection of the trademarks , names and service marks, Dispute resolution explicitly of the law for the resolution, Use of a local liaison which plays a big role in reducing the gap between

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