Best Buy Marketing Strategy

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1. Current Situation A. Past Corporate Performance Indexes Best Buy is the specialty retailer and serves the consumer electronic industry. With over 1,100 stores in USA, Best buy had 19% of the total market share. The total number of employees worldwide was 155,000 and the total number of stores was 2,800 with presence in different countries like China, Turkey, Canada and Mexico. It changed the set of strategic vision by changing the overall structure from discount retailer to becoming a service oriented firm. The company relies on differentiation strategy to stand out amongst the competitors. Since 2005, the company is working on a Customer Centricity Model, focusing on providing the customer’s need by giving the end-to-end customer solutions.…show more content…
Strategic Posture: • Current Mission Found in year 1966, by Richard Schulze, Best Buy’s mission is to deliver the technology on its promises. • Current Objectives The top objectives of Best Buy are to sustain the growth and overall earnings. The objectives also include increasing the sales, highlighting and winning the customer by differentiation strategies. Global expansion and retaining of the talent is an objective. • Current Strategies One of the strategies for Best Buy was to increase the brand presence globally. They acquired many firms that not only assisted in the expansion but also serving in different fields. The company acquired different businesses to increase their scope. Best Buy has been using differentiation strategy- to create a unique presence. It has generated many brand followers due to this. The current strategies also include the customer centricity model, which is based on helping the customers with end-to-end solutions and providing every type of support for their products and services. • Current…show more content…
Best Buy is largely dependent on a few big suppliers for its merchandize. If the network of suppliers can be increased, the bargaining power of suppliers will also be decreased. • The bargaining power of buyers The bargaining power of buyers has reached a new high. Best Buy is now very focused on satisfying the needs and wants of their customers and makes their products in preference by the customers. They can now have high demands for their products at not very high prices, which result in the increased manufacturing costs at low sale prices. The cost of business can go very high if they do not comply with what the customers want. • The threat of substitute products or services The increasing trend of people buying online electronics has also increased the threat of substitute products. More and more websites like Amazon, eBay etc are carrying out their huge businesses online. Even customers have started to prefer to buy online due to the ease of convenience and cheaper prices. With the increasingly busy lifestyles, people don’t have much time to go for shopping specially, so online shopping is at rise which is a threat for companies like Best
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