Legal Case Summary: Murder Profiling

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Murder Profiling Case Summary: On Thursday 12th December, at 6.20 am the body of 29 year old female Jane Doe was discovered under the bushes besides a path running through Sefton Park in Liverpool. The victim was last seen when she was finishing her work shift at the Albert Public House at around 00:30 am, the victim said that she was going to go and visit a friend. She was 5’3 in height with a Celtic knot tattoo on her left shoulder blade, she also had three piercing to each of her ear lobes and a piercing to the left side of her nose. There were no keys witnesses to the case, nor did anyone report hearing any screams around the area at the time of murder. Although three homeless males were in the park to drink and sleep that night, two of whom reported seeing a white male acting suspiciously, around midnight in the park; they described him as being “fairly tall” and “quite young”, no more description of the white male could be obtained due to lighting…show more content…
Organised and disrognied crime senes can tell us a lot about the offenders’ characteristics and their everyday life. An organised crime cene ussually suggests control and fare thought, however in our case the crime scene did not show ‘signs of serious struggle’ nor ‘no signs of struggle’ at all, this can suggest that the offender has at least planned the attack to a certain extent as at the end of the day the offender had murdered the vitim with success. Organised serial killers are also believed to be well adapted to social norms and have good verbal kills, ussually have a job, perhaps in some kind of a relatonship and live quite a normal life Ressler et al., (1985) cited in Canter (2010). This might mean that our offender perhaps livesan ordinary life and is well adapted within the

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