Characteristics Of E-Commerce

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Introduction Electronic commerce or know as E-commerce or E-Business is the online business that give a user platform to get any product or services at everywhere. E-commerce is conducting by using computer networks and has been take place by the internet which is, a buyer need to visiting a seller’s web site and making transaction at there automatically. E- commerce also draws on technologies in mobile commerce, electronic funds transfer,supply chain management, Internet marketing, online transaction processing, electronic data interchange (EDI), inventory management systems, and automated data collection systems. some companies attempting to use email and fax for advertisements and it usually viewed as spam or by send out e-newsletters…show more content…
If a customer are located in a province or state where the regional tax are gets calculated on top of the federal or vice versa of shopping cart will have the ability to calculate it in correctly. Characteristics Electronic payment. Characteristic of E-commerce is all payment process are in electronic devices and services of payment also in electronic services such as Paypal E – distribution of products & services. Distribute a product and services to user or customer in electronic way by using database. Exchange information. Beside that, E commerce also can exchange information with other E-commerce services by link with customer desire. Process automatically E-commerce is process in automatically by purchase a product on services and it will respond automatically to the customer and the process will run automatically to database. Benefits and importance of the information system to…show more content…
By that customer can purchased stuff from many country. Weaknesses of the information system In E-commerce business there has some weaknesses or problem that can affect to the business such as : Need Internet Access Device The main importance of E-commerce is internet and electronic device without this both the business cannot be run because E-commerce are using a internet to do their services and customer also need to use the internet and electronic device to purchased product because E-commerce can only be use with the help of an Internet access device such as a computer or a smartphone to run the business and purchased product. If there having some problem with system down or blackout electricity it can be a problem to business. E-commerce product cannot be experience to try before purchase Customer are not allow or cannot try or be experience a product before purcased and it sometimes can be problem to customer if the product that deliver are not same as what as they need and waste time of refunding a product back. Beside that not all product that customer purchased can be refund because some of seller or E-commerce company are not allowed their staff to refund a product. Products
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