Dog Food Essay

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hen you examine the ingredient list of this dog food the first thing you see is chicken. This may sound good in theory because it’s a solid meat source, but chicken is 80% water. So when cooked it loses that moisture and reduces the meat to about 20% of its weight. For this reason most meat that is uncooked actually offers much smaller amounts of protein to a dog food than a meat meal would. In the end you can’t take this meat’s first place status seriously. Due to its actual weight it should be placed much lower on the list. This is why the second ingredient of chicken meal most assuredly provides the majority of the nutrition from meat in this dog food. As a concentrated form of chicken the chicken meal contains a substantial amount of…show more content…
The process of skimming fat from the liquids surface may not be appealing and the result may not sound appetizing, but the ingredient is a high quality fat. With its high content of linoleic acid it is very healthy for dogs. As you progress through the list you will find canola oil on the label. While you have many that tout the omega-3 benefits of the oil, there are a very vocal few that have deemed it unhealthy. We have not seen any scientific basis for this and equate it along the lines of urban legend. There are many other items on the list, but generally when you get this far down it is a given that the quality isn’t affected by these ingredients. Since the minerals in the food are not chelated dogs may have a hard time with absorption. This is generally a situation you would find in a dog food that wasn’t high quality. Authority dog food tends to be contradictory. In each type the top three ingredients are meat, meat meal and brown rice. This is indicative of a high quality dog food. Then as you go on you will find low quality ingredients. So in essence it comes down to the food and how much protein it contains. The protein in the sample was 28% with fat at 14$ and carbs at 51%. This was moderate to average in comparison to other dog

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