Diversity In The Workplace

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Standing out from the rest and striving to be the best is my personal mantra. Unlike most of my college mates, who are still struggling to find themselves, this is something I did many years ago. Being driven by my ambition of excelling in everything I set my eyes on, I am one step ahead. My community can attest to the fact that I am very dedicated to service, and I leave behind a legacy of exemplary work. I hail from a business-oriented family. My grandfather invested his earnings into buying and reselling real-estate. Eventually my father and uncle began working with him and now they also build towers. I started taking an active role in the business at 10 by performing minor tasks such as delivering papers. Before I turned thirteen, I started receiving business lessons from these men. I continue to mentor under my father’s tutelage, and I am constantly learning through thorough training on such issues as business and personal ethics. After…show more content…
Yet it is almost nonexistent at Lasell College due to its small population. I miss being amidst people from different cultures. Prior to attending Brummana, I had traveled before but never lived away from home for more than a few months. Though I am a native Arabic speaker, with the help of the diverse and rich student population, I quickly mastered the English language. Since childhood, it had been my custom to come to the rescue of those who need help. I understood that staying outside one’s country could be a traumatizing and lonely experience, so I connected with and encouraged my fellow international students in the U.S. This was an easy task for me, because I have no problem associating with students from various backgrounds. Apart from achieving my academic endeavors, I always encouraged my fellow peers to do the same. By us performing well academically, we uplifted our culture and

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