Disadvantages Of Artificial Intelligence

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Introduction AI is something that has fascinated the minds since its inception. Artificial intelligence refers to the constellation of various forms of technological adaptation such as perception, machine learning, natural language processing and reasoning. AI technology and experts have been around and in development for about 5 or more decades however, it has only truly hit the spotlight very recently due to modern advances in technology on a global scale and the demand for advance IS (information systems) that tend to be more effective than humans themselves. The Impacts of the economy transforming in this way is already being felt, which brings about a lot of excited new opportunities as well as challenges and difficulties. However, one…show more content…
Social Inequality How might AI systems contribute to unfair bias and discrimination? As AI systems take on a more important role in high decision-making from offers of credit and insurance, to hiring decisions, they will begin to affect who gets offered crucial opportunities and who does not. This brings up the questions of rights, liberties, and basic fairness. While some hope that AI systems will help to overcome the biases that plague human decision-making, others fear that AI systems will amplify such biases, preventing opportunities to those who truly merit them and subjecting the deprived to further disadvantage. 2. Labor Often, discussions of labor and AI systems have focused only on the fear of the loss of jobs in the near future. Current research shows that more complex and more immediate issues are at stake, affecting not only labor markets, but also employer-employee relations, power dynamics, professional responsibility, and the role of work in human life. Many traditional economists are closely tracking national labor markets and institutions as a means to examine the impact of AI systems. This kind of research provides important qualitative data and facilitates understanding of macroeconomic trends and the supply and demand of labor. Complementing this view, social scientific research has examined how the shifting nature of jobs and work dynamics are changing people’s everyday lived experience. Both perspectives are necessary to appreciate the social and…show more content…
AI systems analyzing and building models from such data could introduce, entrench, or extend incorrect assumptions. This outcome is not inevitable, however. AI systems using data that does not present these problems (assuming that can be assured), or where the framework for use has corrected for these issues, offer the potential to actually mitigate the biases that may be inherent in, for instance, the existing constitution of randomized control trials (RCTs) or other public health

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