Causes Of The Industrial Revolution

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Industrial revolution 4.0, the era where a range of new technologies are combing with the physical, biological and digital worlds, creating an impact in all industries and economies in different ways. There have been 4 revolutions, where the 1st industrial revolution led to the operation of iron and textile industries plus the invention of the steam engine. The 2nd revolution, it was a period of growth for industries and expansion, such as steel, electricity, oil and use electric power for mass production. Major technological advances during this period included the light bulb, phonograph, telephone and the internal combustion engine. The 3rd industrial revolution led to the inventions of all the digital technology being used today compared…show more content…
4.2 Causes Of The Fourth Industrial Revolution In 1700s, where humans where looking for ways to solve problems with different solutions, making work easy and efficient. The first three revolutions brought a lot of change in the use of machinery, change in standard of living and making work easier for people at different levels and grim employment, for example there was first use of steam power to operate machines faster then came the mass production where electricity became a major invention for faster operations as well as better standards of living, higher production rates. Prior to the Industrial Revolution, which began in Britain in the late 1700s, People had to find new ways to increase production. Manufacturing was often done in people’s homes, using hand tools or basic machines. The people had to look for more food and goods. The agricultural economy had changed into industrial country. Industrialization marked a shift to powered, special-purpose machinery, factories and mass…show more content…
The government started the TN50 engagement with youths because it belongs to them. Then they will broaden the engagement to cover all segments of society including civil society, academicians, civil servants and professionals. The Malaysian higher education minister has also made initiatives towards altering the youth of Malaysia through several programmes from one which is Pitch for Progress 2.0, where the minister asked for the young minds of different public and private institutions on what they think about the education revolution, how they see Malaysian education in the future ahead. There were number ideas which came up and the minister himself came to judge the competition and chose top 3 and will soon put the ideas in
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