Essay On Poverty In India

1967 Words8 Pages
INTRODUCTION Poverty in India is still a major issue even in this day and age. The population of people living below the poverty line in India is the highest in the world and the problem is not going away. Since India’s independence, the subject of poverty in India has remained a major concern. According to the common definition of poverty, when a person can no longer meet the required levels to maintain specified standard of living, they are considered poor .This becomes apparent after just a short amount of time spent in the country. For example, states such as Goa, Delhi and Punjab have relatively low poverty ratios whereas %38 of the population of Bihar and Orissa live below the poverty line, the figures are even worse for Calcutta and Maharashtra pushing nearly %50.The poverty and situations that people are forced to live in coupled with the burning desire to survive have resulted in people doing some unimaginable things to stay alive .Some sources suggest that now almost 60% of the…show more content…
It is also the country with the highest rate of Malnutrition among children under the age of 36 months: a massive 46%. Children are taken out of school at a very young age (and that’s if they ever went to school) and forced to work to support their families. You will see the tiniest of children picking through huge rubbish piles extracting plastic bottles, dragging out rags, hazardous working conditions for any mortal. One scene that made me physically sick when I was in India was a group of 40 young boys, black from head to toe, picking through coal on a line of freight trains, I don’t know what for …but I’m sure they couldn't have been getting more than 30 rupees (about 40 pence) a day. And this is just the tip of the iceberg, there are so many children forced into labour in India who will live and die in similar scenarios. Girls barely in their teens are forced into prostitution, some are sewing from day break to night fall, others beg having had eyes
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