Roe's Theory Of Organizational Behavior

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2. ROE’S THEORY OF PARENT-CHILD RELATIONS Roe’s theory is mostly focused on the needs (which/what needs???). Roe saw Maslow’s hierarchy of needs as a useful theory in understanding the importance of needs in occupational behaviour. According to Roe (as cited as Horne, 2015) the needs should not be completely satisfied in order to move on to the next one, but at least the partial satisfaction of a need should be satisfied before moving to the next need. Most organisations will satisfy the needs in different ways. The needs will be satisfied differently in different individuals as it will depend on the length of the need. Needs which are satisfied minimally will prevent the appearance of higher needs and will become dominant motivators. The…show more content…
General culture 8. Arts and entertainment THE APPLICATION OF ROE’S THEORY IN THE WORLD OF WORK These needs are very important in helping the employees (with what?) 1. Physiological Needs: These needs should be satisfied in order the individual to move to the next need. They take place in our daily life and the individual cannot survive without them. These needs are required for human survival i.e, air, food, water, shelter and clothing. In the work place the manager should provide the employees with the comfortable working environment, reasonable work hours and the necessary breaks to use the bathroom and have lunch. For example, employees at Spur are provided with their work uniforms and they are given different working hours. 2. Safety needs: These needs will help the individual to feel safe within the workplace and he/she will be more active and efficient. They provide the individual with a sense of security and well-being. They include personal and financial security. Employees should be provided with safe working conditions, secure compensation (such as a decent salary) and job security especially when we look at the current economy of our country. In this case, their needs for safety will be…show more content…
Investigative: Occupationally, such a person takes on occupations which may include being a psychologist, a physiologist, an engineer, an advocate, an economist or a choreographer. On a much more personal level, this individual is cautious, introspective, independent, curious and critical. 3. Artistic: This type of a person is emotional, complex, impulsive, intuitive, imaginative, and introspective and is usually is a nonconformist. This person is free, loves activities which manipulate human, verbal and physical materials in order to produce their art. In a career setting, such a person takes on artistic careers that force them to show their artistic talents such as a being designer be it in fashion, interior or graphics, they are musicians, actors, cartoonists and entertainment technologists. 4. Social: Such an individual is generous, helpful, kind and is responsible yet persuasive, cooperative, tactful, is usually showing insight and prefers helping inform and developing others. This individual may be found in occupations such different types of educational and social work, an occupational or speech or beauty therapist and as a

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