Political Injustice In Guatemala

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Genocide is not only a murderous madness, but the thought of a political Utopia, tempting many political leaders of multi ethnic, religious, and cultural societies throughout history. ADD HERE The Genocides in Guatemala stemmed from a long build up of racism and anger between the government and the citizens of Guatemala that cascaded into a civil war were tactics of warfare and a merciless genocide were conducted by General Efrain Rios Montt and his “death squads”, slaughtering thousands of people. Due to attempted cover ups by the government, this event has not been resolved and deserves recognition and justice. The Silent Holocaust was caused by a buildup of many years of racism and political injustice which funneled into the mass killing…show more content…
(Valentino 206). As a Response to the guerrilla movements government sanctioned killing of citizens spiked between 1978 and 1982. (Pereira 12). The racism and discrimination encouraged strongly in colonial times was still very powerful in society during the war and even in today's time. Entire Mayan communities are physically segregated from guatemala in highlands and rural areas due to racial and cultural differences. (Pereira 12).The Maya have very cultural and traditional culture, causing guatemalans to separate from and oppress the maya people. Rigoberta Menchu is a Nobel Peace Award Recipient and primary witness to the Silent Holocaust. In 1983, Rigoberta Menchu published an autobiography entitled, “I, Rigoberta Menchu: An Indian Women in Guatemala” in which Menchu exemplifies some of her culture and tells her readers that everything is viewed as a part of nature and that the laws of ancestors say people should “love everything that exists” (Menchu 64). Being outsiders made the government assume the Maya were enemies of the state, making the maya an extensive target of the government. On March 23, 1982, General Efrain Rios Montt was elected President of Guatemala and was installed as head of the military. Montt claimed he would end indiscriminate killings, was expected to respect Human Rights and said his primary goal was to gain support from the indians. (Pereira 13). Montt quickly became notorious for having the bloodiest rule in Guatemalan history (CJA 3). Montt once stated in an interview, “Our strength is in our capacity to make command decisions. That's the most important thing. The army is ready and able to act, because if I can't control the Army, then what am I doing here?” Montt is pointing out his power and influence on the army, largely this will put montt at blame for the inhumane acts committed during

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