Cyclone Tracy

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1A. identify the name of the disaster and classify the type of natural hazard e.g. (atmospheric, hydrological, geological or biological type of hazard)? Cyclone Tracy was the most destructive cyclone Australia has ever had, with storm speeds of about 250km/h. The cyclone happened on the 21st of December, 1974 and finished on December 26th, 1974; which was a tremendous and sorrowful day for many Australians. 1B. Outline the nature of the natural disaster? (Define and explain the natural hazard). Cyclone Tracy was a tropical storm that destroyed the great town of Darwin Northern territory, Australia, from the beginning of Christmas Eve to the end Christmas day, 1974. It is the most violent wind storm or equivalent-strengthened hurricane on record in the Australian basin, with wind strengths of over 48 kilometers (30 mi) from the eye of the cyclone to the rain bands (outer winds of the cyclone) outside the cyclone. Cyclone Tracy did what no other cyclone could do it destroyed buildings, homes, hospitals but worst it killed many innocent lives.…show more content…
Describe the geographical process that caused the disaster to occur. (What factors caused the selected natural disaster?) Cyclone Tracy was caused when two opposite winds met and began to swirl over the tropical ocean of the Arafura Sea (The Arafura Sea lies west of the Pacific Ocean overlying the continental shelf between Australia and the Indonesian New Guinea. Cyclone Tracy might have been caused when the sea-surface temperature was over 26.5 degrees Celsius. However normal cyclones move over colder waters, the cyclone also depends on the different type of wind strengths. Cyclone Tracy finally ended due to it moving inland or probably because it moved over a colder ocean as it needs a warm temperature for it to
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