Economics Song Analysis: Fast Car By Tracy Chapman

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Liliana Garcia Period: 3 Economics Song Essay I will be analyzing the song “Fast Car” by Tracy Chapman. This song is primarily about overcoming poverty and hardships. The song’s narrator reveals the hardships she went through after her mother left her alcoholic father in order to seek something greater in life. The mother’s decision set a whole new course for the narrator because after her mother left she was the one that had to take all the responsibilities. For the narrator becoming responsible meant that she had to drop out of school and take care of her alcoholic father. Eventually the narrator ends up leaving the place where she grew with her partner in hope to find a better life. However not everything goes as smoothly as the narrator expected but eventually manages to get by. Overall this song goes through a few broad economic and social goals. Tracy chapman’s song contains examples of economic stability, economic freedom and economic growth and innovation among others. Economic freedom is a topic included in the song “Fast Car”. A society that has economic freedom has the ability to make their own decisions such as deciding what to do with their money or their freedom to change jobs. Tracy Chapman expressed in her song,“I got a plan to get us out of here. I been working at the convenience store. Managed to save just a…show more content…
In stanza four of the song it says, “ We don’t have to drive too far just across the border and into the city . you and i can both get jobs and finally see what it means to be living” This part of the song refers to a person having aspirations of getting a job in the society they plan to go next. Another example of economic stability is when the song says “you got a fast car. i got a job to pay our bills” This is economic stability because the narrator has money to maintain herself and pay for things she

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