Cultural Dimensions Of Culture

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Every country or every people have their own culture, culture can be a sign for people. National culture is the set of norms, behaviors, beliefs and customs that exist within the population of a sovereign nation. If a company or an organisation wants to expand their business to the other country, first they need to observe and understand the host country’s culture so that there won’t be any misunderstanding or false communication during the conference. Hosftede (2014) says:”cultural dimensions are only a framework to help assess a given culture and thus better guide decision making” and he came out with 6 kinds of culture dimensions. They are power distance, Individualism vs. Collectivism, Uncertainty Avoidance, Masculinity vs. Femininity,…show more content…
Short-term Orientation and Indulgence vs. Restraint. Trompenaars (2014) says that “People from different cultures aren’t just randomly different from one another, they differ in very specific, even predictable ways”. This is because every culture has his own way of making decision, beliefs and values. So, he came out with 7 kinds of dimensions, they are Universalism vs. particularism, Individualism vs. Communitarianism, Specific vs. Diffuse, Neutral vs. Emotional, Achievement vs. Ascription, Sequential time vs. Synchronous time, Internal direction vs. Outer direction. A business person needs to understand the host country culture before they proceed with their intention. 2.0 Language In doing a business in a foreign country, language must be concerned about because it helped you to communicate with the local people. Speaking the same language may able to assist you to provide a clearer understanding of a situation and also view the meaning that someone was trying to explain to you. For example in term of language, Japan is a collectivism country.According to Low (1913, vol.197, no.688, p.406) collectivism is a thought that…show more content…
In other words, inequalities among people are acceptable. This also means that the people with the lower position must follow the orders or guidelines provided by the people with higher position. Besides that, while attending a dinner event, you must not introduce yourself to a stranger before the person with a higher ranking than yours do so. Plus, you cannot start eating before the higher ranking person start. Failure to do so might cause you becoming a rude person in front of them.On the other side, country like New Zealand is defined as a low power distance country;their theory of living is people should be considered as equal in all aspects of life (Hansen, 1968, p. 60). It means that they do not want unequally happen in their live, they prefer to treat everyone equally and no one is allowed to build up a great deal more than another through his own efforts or luck. For example, people in New Zealand do not looking down on people who is weaker than him, but he will treat the person nicely and give the person a hand because people in New Zealand do not want to achieve something by himself, but he
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